Procedural memory is a type of a long term memory that is responsible for remembering the procedures of a task.

Procedural memory is a type of a long term memory that is responsible for remembering the procedures of a task.


Procedural memory is a type of a long term memory that is responsible for remembering the procedures of a task. When I was a child, I learned how to ride a bike through procedural memory. At first, I was told that I have to get on the seat and balance myself. After that, I have to put my feet on the pedal to move forward. This chain of motion was not familiar at first. However, after trying that out several times, I was able to remember the procedure. Hence, after some time, I didn’t have to specifically focus on each step of riding a bike. Rather, my body immediately got used to the process and executed the action using my memory.


When I learned English grammar in high school, I used a phrase FANBOYS to remember the coordinating conjunctions. Each syllable represents English conjunction such as for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. If I had to memorize these conjunctions without any mnemonic device, it would have been much harder. With the usage of this tool, I performed much better on my English exams.


If I was forced to lose one memory between sensory, long-term, and short-term memory, I would most likely choose to get rid of my long term memory. Long term memory is often associated with the events that had happened in the past. So personally, even if I lose long term memory, it wouldn’t directly affect my daily lives. Obviously, I do have good memories that I would like to retain. However, there are also not so good memories that I sometimes want to erase. Further, if my short term memory and sensory memory are taken away, I think there would be a huge hindrance in my everyday life as they are responsible for recalling tasks that need to be done. If I keep forgetting what I have to do in terms of my school work and important appointments, I don’t think I will be able to maintain my regular life.

Answer preview Procedural memory is a type of a long term memory that is responsible for remembering the procedures of a task.

Procedural memory is a type of a long term memory that is responsible for remembering the procedures of a task.


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