Analyze a problem and give suggestions about a course of action. What problem have you noticed?

Analyze a problem and give suggestions about a course of action. What problem have you noticed?

Analyze a problem and give suggestions about a course of action. Introduce the background and important concepts that may help your audience understand your topic. Make recommendations built on detailed research, which may include: interviews, surveys, field observations, text analysis, and/or any other means of gathering information. To enhance the credibility of your viewpoints, please include 3 or more sources. The project will foster your understanding and skills of composing a persuasive genre in response to a specific rhetorical situation.

The topic is “Write about the language problem that the international students face when they first come to USA and do not know how to speak English”

The essay format:

5 pages, 12-point font, Double spaced, APA style, please include 3 or more sources.

Essay Requirements:

Problem statement

What problem have you noticed?

Does the problem matter? Why?

Possible solutions

What are the options (or solutions)? In details.

What are the sources of your information? In other words, what research did you conduct for the options?

What are the benefits and drawbacks of each option (solution)?


Among the solutions, which one(s) do you recommend?

Why do you make such recommendation(s)? This can overlap with the benefits and drawbacks as in 2.3.

Answer preview Analyze a problem and give suggestions about a course of action. What problem have you noticed?

Analyze a problem and give suggestions about a course of action. What problem have you noticed?


1716 words