This Library assignment provides an opportunity for students to gain insights into the differences between Primary and Secondary sources

This Library assignment provides an opportunity for students to gain insights into the differences between Primary and Secondary sources

This Library assignment provides an opportunity for students to gain insights into the differences between Primary and Secondary sources and citing APA style. During the library orientation class you will be shown how to find a primary source and a secondary source through the library web-site and shown how to cite sources (both Primary and Secondary) in APA format.

The steps for completing the Library assignment


After orientation to the Library web-site, choose an article on a topic that interests you (some possible topics are listed below). Make sure that the article is considered a PRIMARY SOURCE. This would be found in an academic journal ONLY. The author(s) must be the researcher(s) reporting on a specific study and its results. A Primary Source would include the following: a review of the literature, a description of methodology including the sample selection process, a description of the statistical analysis, and a discussion of the results. You may not use an abstract instead of the complete article. Please include live links for both articles!

Then either using the library website or another internet site, find and print a Secondary source article which is on the same topic as your primary source.

For the Library assignment you must live links for both sources.

The Written Assignment requires answering the following questions:

Provide a summary of your primary source article. Include who the participants of the study were, how they were studied and a brief summary of the results. (at least 60 words,10pts)

For the second source provide a summary of the article. (at least 60 words,10pts)

What are the 3 ways the sources are similar (cannot say one is longer, both have authors or one is primary source)? (5 pts for each similarity=15pts)

What are two ways the sources are different? (5 pts for each difference=10 pts)

A reference page containing both your Primary and secondary sources cited in APA format (5 points).

Possible topics

Effects of divorce on children

Violent video games and teenage aggression

Influence of the media on body image

Television viewing and children’s aggression

Religious commitment and mental health

Eating disorders among athletes

Psychological effects of the internet

Influence of parents during adolescence

Answer preview This Library assignment provides an opportunity for students to gain insights into the differences between Primary and Secondary sources

This Library assignment provides an opportunity for students to gain insights into the differences between Primary and Secondary sources and citing
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