Read the following news accounts about Hoda Muthana, a woman born in Alabama who joined ISIS in 2015

Read the following news accounts about Hoda Muthana, a woman born in Alabama who joined ISIS in 2015

Read the following news accounts about Hoda Muthana, a woman born in Alabama who joined ISIS in 2015. She has recently stated that she regrets having left the United States and wants to return. President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo say she is not a U.S. citizen and intend to block her return.

What would you do? Would you let Muthana return to the U.S. or not? Please explain your position (minimum 250 words).

Answer preview  Read the following news accounts about Hoda Muthana, a woman born in Alabama who joined ISIS in 2015

Read the following news accounts about Hoda Muthana a woman born in Alabama who joined ISIS in 2015


358 words