Research a member of Congress that you believe based on his/her qualifications would be a suitable President of the United States in 2020.

Research a member of Congress that you believe based on his/her qualifications would be a suitable President of the United States in 2020.

Mr./Ms. President 2020

President in Trump has yet to complete his first 100 days in office and yet political pundits have begun speculation of potential challengers to his re-election in 2020. For this discussion, research a member of Congress (or a member of the Senate) that you believe based on his/her qualifications would be a suitable President of the United States in 2020.

In your post, you are required to provide a minimum of three reasons why you believe the particular individual is qualified and would make a suitable U.S. President. Please note that if you select a candidate that identifies with the Republican party that candidate would need to defeat President Trump in the primary election as opposed to the general election.

Discuss why at this early stage you would support this candidate and encourage him/her to run for the office.

Be sure to provide citation for this candidate. I encourage to you research specific committees the individual serves on; bills introduced or co-sponsored by the individual; outside government experience; potential support from one of the major parties; age; gender; race etc.

Use Bernie Sanders

Answer preview  Research a member of Congress that you believe based on his/her qualifications would be a suitable President of the United States in 2020.

Research a member of Congress that you believe based on his/her qualifications would be a suitable President of the United States in 2020.


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