In this assessment, you will provide a comprehensive portrayal of the region you choose.

In this assessment, you will provide a comprehensive portrayal of the region you choose.

Community Assessment


In this assessment, you will provide a comprehensive portrayal of the region you choose. Your community assessment should include a minimum of the following information:
• Region profile (Include the location, population, and social system perspectives); The profile should be a summary of the demographic data you collected. Actual tables may be included in the appendices.
• Theoretical framework and application (must focus on the theory application to population and/or community, not individuals);

Grading Criteria
• Provide Community Profile
Including windshield survey with narrative descriptions of the location, population, social system perspectives, etc. Explains the data gathered in text format with support of pictures, diagrams, drawings, tables, graphs, etc. All graphs/pictures/tables should have captions. 70
• Identify one nursing theory that can be applied to the identified community. Provide rationale for your selection. 30
• Follow APA 6th format; minimal grammatical issues. 15
• Provide a reference page of all sources in correct APA format 15
• Includea section admittinggroup work: Include documentation of group meetings, distribution of work, group communications, and peer evaluation forms of all other group members. * 20
Total 150

*Please double-space your work and include a coverpage, a title, and page number.
*You are encouraged to use subtitles in your paper to make organization of your paperclearer (community profile, theoretical framework, survey findings, identified problems, proposed plan, etc.).
* Your project should be no more than 5 pages excluding title page, reference, appendix, and peer evaluation.
* If two/three students work together, please include the following sentence on your cover page “XX, XX and XX contributed equally to the paper.”
*For APA related issues,

Answer preview in this assessment, you will provide a comprehensive portrayal of the region you choose.

In this assessment you will provide a comprehensive portrayal of the region you choose.


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