During this semester, we will be focusing on the multitudes of groups that influence our government.

During this semester, we will be focusing on the multitudes of groups that influence our government.

Part 1
During this semester, we will be focusing on the multitudes of groups that influence our government. This is essential because they play a huge role in policy creation and are one of the main-ways that people are able to be involved in our political process. The goal of an interest group is to represent their interest to the public. This paper will cover the history of the interest group, how this interest group engages the public, and how the group engages with policy makers.

In looking at the history of the group, why was the group was founded? Was there an event behind the group’s founding or caused the group to gain influence? Who funds the group? Is the group a public or private group? Describe the group’s principles and goals, and what they state that they have accomplished. Look for especially newsworthy events in which this group was involved in so that I can see that you understand the group’s goals and history.

Suggested: 2+ pages

When looking into how the group engages the public, look into what techniques it uses to persuade people to serve the interest. Is the interest group educational, or does the group specifically engage in political activism? The group may stage townhalls, protests, or push for voter turnout akin to a political party. Describe a specific practice of your group. Do you think it is effective, why or why not.

Suggested: 2+ pages

Interest groups engage with elected officials in many ways. Some engage in direct public pressure on politicians. They do this by creating scoresheets and questionnaires to determine where the politicians are on an issue. These often result in the group grading legislatures. They may often engage in lobbying, where the group sends experts on their issues to meet with legislators to inform them on their issues. Another major way that an interest group may engage with the government is bringing lawsuits to challenge the executive branch if they believe that the government is abridging people’s rights or failing to execute the law. In this part, please find examples of how the group engages with the state.

Suggested: 2+ pages

Summarize on what you learned about your interest groups. Is this group’s tactic effective.

What other tactics could the group use to accomplish their goals? Anything else you would like to add. What did learning about the group teach you about the government and what role interest groups play in the government.

Answer preview During this semester, we will be focusing on the multitudes of groups that influence our government.

 During this semester we will be focusing on the multitudes of groups that influence our government.


1937 words