Which political party do you more closely associate with and why? Can’t say you don’t care anymore – time to tell me which way you lean.

Which political party do you more closely associate with and why? Can’t say you don’t care anymore – time to tell me which way you lean.

Which political party do you more closely associate with and why? Can’t say you don’t care anymore – time to tell me which way you lean. Your choices include Republican, Democrat, Green Party, Libertarian, Communist – you don’t even have to stick with these if there is another one out there you identify with – just tell me why. For the purposes of this assignment you can’t just say moderate or independent. Take the quiz at http://www.isidewith.com/political-quiz. Even if you are pretty sure of who you side with, it is fun (and required) to take because it will give you percentages of how much you agree with each party on certain issues and tell you which candidate is your best match. No one is 100% anything. Include your results in your paper.

2. Who or what influenced that decision (examples may be a parent, teacher, friend, event). Do you have friends or family that hold the opposite beliefs from you? If not, why not? Do you have debates with this person or do you only talk to people who agree with you? If so, why?

3. If you could run for office, what would you run for – Judge, Congress/Legislature or President/Governor – and why? Read the explanations of all three below to help you answer this:

What office you might want to run for says something about your personality:

Answer preview Which political party do you more closely associate with and why? Can’t say you don’t care anymore – time to tell me which way you lean.

Which political party do you more closely associate with and why? Can't say you don't care anymore - time to tell me which way you lean.


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