Compare and contrast any two chapters (assigned after the mid term) from the Flawed CJ Policies reader.

Compare and contrast any two chapters (assigned after the mid term) from the Flawed CJ Policies reader.

Select this question: (you must answer question one)

1. How would you answer the proverbial question, so what? [Hint: In this case, it is incumbent upon you to frame the question based upon lessons, readings, emails and or videos viewed during the second half of this course. I would as a minimum include four interrelated comments in your response here. What do you mean Bing? By so what, I mean, you have done all of the darn readings, etc., …and how do you make sense of it to yourself or someone else in some coherent way.]

Select any two of the following: (answer any two of 2,3,4,5)

2. Compare and contrast any two chapters (assigned after the mid term) from the Flawed CJ Policies reader. What are the similarities and dissimilarities, if any, between the two chapters? What are lessons learned along the way?

3. Offer descriptive comments and observations about our coverage of The

New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. In other words, what points are made

along the way? Are there any policy implications? If so, what are they?

4. You are in Washington, DC, to inform the newly elected president about the

sense and nonsense of criminal justice. What points would you make about policy development and how to implement policy? What nuances about the ways in which the criminal justice functions (or does not function) would

alert the new president? [Hint: You have to identify the issues, which could

include crime, responses to crime, education, etc. I think that answering this question requires you to back to earlier lessons]

5. How would you characterize Bing’s Power Point presentation titled, the end

of our road? What key points are made along the way?

Select any one of the following: (answer 6 or 7)

6. What five major points are made by Chiricos in the article, …the politics of
crime control?

7. What six major points can be derived from the article titled,

Between Prison and Probation by Morris and Tonry?

Select any one of the following: (answer 8 or 9)

8. How would you address the high school drop-out crisis?And how might a

person with “power” implement new policies, strategies, or innovative

changes help address this issue? Would you, for example, focus on

redesigning educational systems and structures in neighborhoods with high

drop-out rates? [Hint: Part of the answer wouldcome from Waiting from

Superman and the other part from your assigned readings.]

9. What is the point made from the lesson titled, lock ‘em up? What is the point

made about the lesson on gun violence

Should be a total of 5 questions answered. Please follow instructions. Thank you.

17 mins ago

Answer preview compare and contrast any two chapters (assigned after the mid term) from the Flawed CJ Policies reader. Compare and contrast any two chapters (assigned after the mid term) from the Flawed CJ Policies reader.


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