Discuss on the need for RCSA policies and the importance of RCSAs with information security as a focal point.

Discuss on the need for RCSA policies and the importance of RCSAs with information security as a focal point.

There are two separate topics that needs to be discussed and the information is as below

1. Discuss on the need for RCSA policies and the importance of RCSAs with information security as a focal point.

At the end of the discussion, submit a summary of your learning as a bulleted list that explains the relevance of RCSA policies.


2. Discuss on information dissemination—how to educate employees. For this discussion, you will identify various security awareness training options.

discuss the following:

What would you do if you needed to develop a user training program on security awareness and security policy implementation?

What type(s) of training would you offer? Formal, informal, or both?

List different types of training, such as classroom, computer-based training (CBT), and so on. List the advantages and disadvantages of each. Is one type of training better than the others? Why or why not?

At the end of the discussion, submit a summary of your learning that explains each type of training, and its advantages and disadvantages.

Answer preview Discuss on the need for RCSA policies and the importance of RCSAs with information security as a focal point.

Discuss on the need for RCSA policies and the importance of RCSAs with information security as a focal point.


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