Can readers or viewers identify with any of the elements of the play today considering the play is over one hundred years old?

Can readers or viewers identify with any of the elements of the play today considering the play is over one hundred years old?

After reading the story answer at least four of the following questions and the total word limit of
these four questions is 350. (the picture of this story is below this page, read all of them
This story is a little long, I only upload Act1 below, if you cannot answer the following
questions, you can search for this story online.

Can readers or viewers identify with any of the elements of the play today
considering the play is over one hundred years old?
What subjects are still relevant today?
Does anyone change in the play? If so, who?  When can you tell?
Reading or seeing the play today, is there any way we can see why it was originally
banned in England?
Why do you think it might have been banned?
Is the title important? If so, how?
Do you think the play can still shock audiences today?
Can you think of a movie with a similar theme that might move audiences the way
this play did when it first appeared?

Answer preview Can readers or viewers identify with any of the elements of the play today considering the play is over one hundred years old?

Can readers or viewers identify with any of the elements of the play today considering the play is over one hundred years old?


486 words