Choose one of the Greek philosophers with readings in our text from chapter’s two to five

Choose one of the Greek philosophers with readings in our text from chapter’s two to five

Choose one of the Greek philosophers with readings in our text from chapter’s two to five and write an essay of at least 1200 words in length in which you examine at least two concepts of the philosopher’s metaphysics, epistemology, cosmology or ethics

MlA Format. 1200 at least words in text citing and proper citation page at the end. Prof is strict please no plagiarism and no grammatical error. you can choose a topic from one of the articles in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy that deal with one of the major Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. You will need to include at least 3 quotes from an article you have chosen from the Standord Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Answer preview Choose one of the Greek philosophers with readings in our text from chapter’s two to five

Choose one of the Greek philosophers with readings in our text from chapter’s two to five 


1324 words