Prepare a five- to seven-minute persuasive speech on an issue that interests you.

Prepare a five- to seven-minute persuasive speech on an issue that interests you.


Prepare a five- to seven-minute persuasive speech on an issue that interests you. Your speech should be appropriate to the audience and to the speaking occasion. You should develop a purpose statement along with valid, well-supported arguments for accepting your position. You should use legitimate supporting materials to build your case. Your speech should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. It is recommended (though not required) that you make effective use of presentation aids.

You should submit a typed full-sentence outline including either a bibliography or footnotes along with a rehearsal video. You will be graded on the quality of both your speech and your outline. Your outline should include at least five reputable sources. These sources should be cited within the body of your outline (using either footnotes or parenthetical references) as well as in your endnotes or bibliography. Of the sources you use, at least three must be non-Internet sources: i.e. books, journals, or magazines. If you do use Internet sources for your paper, they should be trustworthy sources. Sources should be cited in APA or MLA format. You are also required to submit a video rehearsal of your speech so that you may analyze your own performance in order to improve it.

You also need to give me a powerpoint for presentation


Answer preview Prepare a five- to seven-minute persuasive speech on an issue that interests you.

Prepare a five- to seven-minute persuasive speech on an issue that interests you. 

6 slides