Describe instances in which you find yourself obeying the principle of least effort or the law of less work

Describe instances in which you find yourself obeying the principle of least effort or the law of less work


After completing the readings in this unit and viewing the video The Power to Overcome Failure, complete the following:

Describe instances in which you find yourself obeying the principle of least effort or the law of less work. For example, you drive instead of walk, take the elevator instead of the stairs, eat fast food rather than cook, or take an easy elective course rather than a challenging one (Deckers, 2018).

The video The Power to Overcome Failure discusses the difference between performance goals and learning goals for children’s academic performance and their ability to persist and overcome failure. As an adult learner, share examples of your performance goals or learning goals, and describe how those goals help motivate your academic success.

Remember to cite scholarly evidence to support your statements when appropriate, using current APA style and formatting.


After making your initial post, respond to at least two other learners posts by asking questions and adding comments that expand and deepen the conversation. Your responses are expected to be substantive in nature.


Deckers, L. (2018). Motivation: Biological, psychological, and environmental (5th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.


Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.

APA Style and Format.

Answer preview Describe instances in which you find yourself obeying the principle of least effort or the law of less work

Describe instances in which you find yourself obeying the principle of least effort or the law of less workAPA

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