We are tasked to define best value contracting and to describe the contractors role in the integrated process team.

We are tasked to define best value contracting and to describe the contractors role in the integrated process team.

STUDET 1: Tyler

Good evening class,

We are tasked to define best value contracting and to describe the contractors role in the integrated process team. Best value contracting is used by the Department of Defense to award contracts based on the best overall value. Multiple factors are considered when awarding contracts to determine what would fit best. These factors include cost, performance, quality, and schedule and compares other factors to determine which would be the best fit and best value. Rather than just buying from the lowest possible contractor, DoD analyzes which would best fit overall. This makes sense because in the long run, you get what you pay for. We might have to pay a little bit more for a contractor but the quality of work is better, the overall performance of the contractor is better, and they have proven to keep on time schedules. Losing time and money in quality and performance in the long run would cost more to the DoD if they chose the lowest costing contractor initially.

The contractor’s role in an integrated process team is to identify and resolve issues with representatives from the appropriate disciplines that are working together on a project. These representatives will work together to make timely recommendations and decisions for complex development programs. The use of IPT is very vital because all stakeholders are collaborating together to optimize design and manufacturing processes. This allows everyone to be on the same page when working on a project and to ensure that multiple chains’ of commands are not dishing out false or inaccurate information.


The best value contracting approach, allows contracting officials to closely examine, evaluate and rate contractors on their respective qualifications and performance capabilities and choose the best qualified contractor who offers the best price. Best value contracting ties all the following initiatives together in order to mane a through quality-based contracting decision. These initiatives are as follows, successful best value contracting requires, early determination of key parameters, time and money are interchangeable at this point and lastly that the development of performance requirements are prioritize in the correct order. BVC is when both the contractors and subcontractors are required to comply individually with pre qualification and active apprenticeship requirements.

An Integrated Product Team (IPT) is a team composed of representatives from appropriate functional disciplines working together to build successful programs, identify and resolve issues, and make sound and timely recommendations to facilitate decision making (AcqNotes). So how does a contractor play a role within the Integrated Process Team (IPT)? A contractor will overall ensure that the government meets its contractual obligations. While doing that they will also monitor the performance and progress of the contract to ensure that all contract requirements have been met within the specified performance period.

Within the Coast Guard we have technical experts who can provide insight into solutions like detection or sensor technologies that are so valuable to law enforcement. These integrated process teams that the Coast Guard provide are the members who understand the challenges as well as members who understand the needed solutions.

STUDENT 3: Samantha

Best Value Contracting refers to the government’s obligation to get the best value out of whatever is being acquired. This includes aspects such as cost, performance, quality, and schedule and it can also mean the government needs to make certain trade offs between cost and non-cost factor. The government cannot just always go with the lowest bidder because that could wind up with a product that has quality issues and end up being more expensive in the long run. They also cannot always go with the most expensive bidder as well because there is an obligation to keep the price of acquisitions reasonable. This is when a Contract Officer would need to weigh the choices together and go for the contract that provides the best overall value for the government at the sweet spot between quality and cost effectiveness in order to avoid going with something with a high initial cost, or going with something that can cost more long term in maintenance costs.

A contractor’s role in the Integrated Product Team would be to collaborate with the other members of the team to ensure proper execution of whatever the team is gathered for. The Integrated Product Team is put together in order to collaborate and build successful programs, identify and resolve issues, and make timely recommendations that will allow for effective decision making. This team would be beneficial for a contractor to be a part of considering that it gives them the opportunity to gather more knowledge about certain aspects of an acquisition from people with years of experience which can allow for a smarter way of working.

Answer preview We are tasked to define best value contracting and to describe the contractors role in the integrated process team.

We are tasked to define best value contracting and to describe the contractors role in the integrated process team.


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