Explain the paradigms and the exchange of paradigms between the middle east and western society.

Explain the paradigms and the exchange of paradigms between the middle east and western society.

In his article, MULTICULTURALISMS: Western, Muslim and Future, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf
describes the exchange of paradigms between the middle east and western society. Rauf
argues for increased communication between various Muslim communities, not only between
the Muslim and non-Muslim world, but between each other.
1. Analysis: Explain the paradigms and the exchange of paradigms between the middle
east and western society.
2. Analysis: Explain what Multiculturalism is in the context of Rauf’s article
a. What are some examples which Rauf gives of an MC society?
b. How does MC apply to religion?
3. Opinion: Do you believe that people who inhabit the west (the US specifically) have an
accurate understanding of Muslims beyond the scope of the media?
a. Furthermore, do you believe it is possible for anyone to have an accurate
understanding of the members of any religion?
b. Specifically, pick one of the eastern religions we covered and explain a teaching
or feature which surprised you.
4. Analysis: How does your answer to (3) tie into MC?
a. Do you define MC differently than Rauf does?
b. If so, how does Rauf’s definition of MC differ from your own?
c. If not, which aspects of Rauf’s MC do you find most illuminating?
5. Opinion: Should the ground zero cultural center be completed?
Suggestions and

Answer preview Explain the paradigms and the exchange of paradigms between the middle east and western society.

Explain the paradigms and the exchange of paradigms between the middle east and western society.
1443 words