Which information shared by both Liane and Marcus is actionable in the organization at which you are currently employed

Which information shared by both Liane and Marcus is actionable in the organization at which you are currently employed

Read Chapters 6 through 9 in “Organizational Behavior and Management” (Konopaske et al., 2018) and learn how organizations design jobs, evaluate and reward performance, manage employee behavior, and respond to work-related stress.

View the following four videos:

Best Practice HR Tips from Liane Hornsey, Google VP Operations | MeetTheBoss” [11:38]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRsJbpppvEU (Links to an external site.)
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Focus on the Team Leader with Marcus Buckingham [2:54] (performance design for the org, we need to consider team and team leader )https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YReXXUkH9m0 (Links to an external site.)
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Employee Engagement – Four Key Questions with Marcus Buckingham” [2:31]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1d622aqo0Ro (Links to an external site.)
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Feedback is not Coaching with Marcus Buckingham [1:42]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAVCr6rwwv4 (Links to an external site.)
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Respond to the following discussion questions

To what extent information presented in Chapters 6 through 9 is similar to and different from that shared by Liane Homey and Marcus Buckingham? Identify at least three similarities and three differences. Explain.

Which information shared by both Liane and Marcus is actionable in the organization at which you are currently employed? Explain.

Liane Horney spoke about trying to get rid of bureaucracy, and reducing layers at Google. Personally, I would have thought there would be a great deal of red tape at a 50,000 person company. It was evident that the company learned that the Job Range was reducing efficiency. The text book defines Job range as the number of tasks performed, to complete a job; however, I am looking at it as how many departments need to sign off on a task. Liane also spoke of encouraging rotation for employees into different departments, with the hopes of becoming more knowledgeable about the business, and possibly finding a new, career path. This Job Rotation, as noted in the book, offers employees the opportunity to increase satisfaction, and efficiency. The opportunity to know why certain processes happen, with first hand knowledge will make employees appreciate hurdles much more, and perhaps provide new ideas to resolve issues. Buckingham noted that employees want positive coaching, not feedback. This thought process is similar to the text, don’t “attack or discuss their personality, attitudes, or values.”

Buckingham suggested evaluations “4x a year” to keep fresh data on the team; while, the text did not seem to reference such regular touch points. Buckingham looked at evaluations, as “Strength Based Coaching”, and the text was more about identifying opportunities, versus nurturing existing strengths. Lastly, Buckingham thought that Performance Management Systems were set up for 1% of the population, and the text looked at different variations, as effective for the masses.

In regards to the college that I teach at, I think regular reviews would be helpful for the faculty. Currently, the student evaluations are completed each semester, but the administration is 3 years behind, in regards to reviewing with the professor. By that point, any issue could have multiplied, or be corrected by that point. I also think removing the bureaucratic red tape would make the changes at the college, more efficient and timely. For example, I created a new concentration, which took 9 months to get approved: my department, my school, curriculum committee, and the board. It is not a great deal of layers, but each only meets so often.

Here is the second post to response on

Liane Hornsey, The HR Manager at Google states “Everybody we hire, we make sure they are good for the culture” (Hornsey, 2012). I found the enclosed statement to be both simplistic and profound. Simple, because each organization has a set of values, principles, and behaviors leading to the development of each person individually. Profound due to the rareness of such a modality utilized in the workplace. The concept presented is like the concept of quality of work-life! The concept of quality of work-life is widely used to refer to a philosophy of management that enhances the dignity of all workers; introducing changes in an organizations culture and improves the physical and emotional well-being of employees (Ivancevinch, J., Konopaske, R., & Matteson, M., 2014). Liane Hornsey stated Google does not use traditional talent (Hornsey, 2012). The organization complies with the concept of job design. Job design attempts to identify the most important needs of employees and the organization and to remove obstacles in the workplace that impede those needs. I love this methodology presented, as an interview with Liane Hornsey displayed the resources available to employees such as a workout facility, game room, etc. (Hornsey, 2012).

I found it interesting, Liane Hornsey mentioned they did not focus on time worked, sick/vacation days used, etc. Ivancevinch, J., Konopaske, R., & Matteson, M. (2014) quantity and quality of output, absenteeism, tardiness, and turnover are objective outcomes that can be measured in qualitative terms. Liane Hornsey, however, stated they only focus on output (Hornsey, 2012).

Marcus Buckingham (2015) suggests moving from a performance management system to a team focused methodology. Buckingham (2015) denotes, PMS is built for the wrong audience. Ivancevinch, J., Konopaske, R., & Matteson, M. (2014) unveils a methodology by Herzberg which explains a two-factor theory of motivation. In this theory, job enrichment is discussed by outlining the following:

Direct Feedback

New Learning



Control Over Resources

Personal Accountability

As it pertains to performance management, reinforcement theory is mentioned towards influencing positive behaviors. Positive reinforcement is a stimulus that when added to the situation, strengthens the probability of a behavior response (Ivancevinch, J., Konopaske, R., & Matteson, M., 2014). The methodology serves the purpose of the organization as mentioned by Buckingham surrounding the concept of PMS. Buckingham (2015) suggest PMS is designed to serve the organization. I believe the phenomenon of PMS creates increase levels of stress. Ivancevinch, J., Konopaske, R., & Matteson, M. (2014) states stress can have psychological, behavioral, and physiological consequences.

In my previous employment experiences, I adapted to the bureaucratic design although it was very uncomfortable. A work culture as identified by Homey would have created more leverage for professional and personal development. Due to such intense working conditions, I resigned and explored entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship helped with a work/life balance as a wife, mother and consultant.


Answer preview which information shared by both Liane and Marcus is actionable in the organization at which you are currently employed

Which information shared by both Liane and Marcus is actionable in the organization at which you are currently employed

625 words