Elaborate on three (3) of the obstacles that must be overcome as a business moves up the CMMI model.

Elaborate on three (3) of the obstacles that must be overcome as a business moves up the CMMI model.

1. CIS 558 Week 4 Discussion

“Obstacles to CMMI Development” Please respond to the following:

Elaborate on three (3) of the obstacles that must be overcome as a business moves up the CMMI model. Suggest key methods for overcoming the obstacles you have identified.

Describe the measurable benefits of progressing up the CMMI model. From an auditing perspective, determine the manner in which these benefits might be observed.

2. CIS 558 Week 5 Discussion

“Automated Auditing” Please respond to the following:

CAATTs can be helpful when dealing with immense amounts of data. However, developing a CAATT system can be time consuming. Argue for or against the use of CAATT systems.

Identify the key elements of building an effective CAATT system. Elaborate on two (2) challenges faced when designing an effective CAATT system, and suggest possible solutions to these problems.

3. CIS 558 Week 6 Discussion

“Audit Project Control” Please respond to the following:

Compare and contrast an IT Audit project with other projects which might be found in an IT department. Describe two (2) challenges that are unique to IT Audit projects. Suggest an approach to mitigate each challenge you selected.

Based on the challenges identified, describe the controls that the project manager would need to implement in order to overcome potential project control issues.

4. CIS 558 Week 7 Discussion

“Identity and Access Management” Please respond to the following:

Analyze the identity and access management approach that organizations need to implement to effectively control access to their systems. Explain how the identity and access management approach would be influenced by the type of organization and its size.

For a small- to medium-sized business concerned about IT budget, determine the identity and access management practices you would recommend. In contrast, for a large organization that is extremely concerned about protecting corporate information assets, determine the identity and access management practices you would recommend. Provide a rationale for your responses.

5. CIS 558 Week 8 Discussion

“Effective Disaster Recovery Plans” Please respond to the following:

Disaster recovery planning is essential for a business to survive when unexpected events impact daily operations. Determine the areas of disaster recovery planning and preparedness you believe organizations are often lacking. Provide a rationale for your response.

Analyze and describe the key controls, especially non-technical controls, which would ensure a business is prepared for a disaster. Elaborate on the impact that a disaster might have on the auditing process.

6. CIS 558 Week 9 Discussion

“Effective Disaster Recovery Plans” Please respond to the following:

Disaster recovery planning is essential for a business to survive when unexpected events impact daily operations. Determine the areas of disaster recovery planning and preparedness you believe organizations are often lacking. Provide a rationale for your response.

Analyze and describe the key controls, especially non-technical controls, which would ensure a business is prepared for a disaster. Elaborate on the impact that a disaster might have on the auditing process.

7. CIS 558 Week 10 Discussion

“Quality Assurance and Auditing Standards” Please respond to the following:

Describe the actions an organization needs to execute in order to improve their quality assurance and auditing processes within the organization.

Create a list of at least five (5) auditing best practices for organizations to follow when implementing their quality assurance auditing programs.

Select the auditing best practices you feel are most difficult to implement and offer means of addressing them.

8. CIS 558 Week 11 Discussion

“Course Conclusion and Summary” Please respond to the following:

You have just completed 10 weeks of an information technology audit and control course. Imagine you have been asked to create a one (1) day training course highlighting the important elements of what you have just learned in the past ten weeks.

Create a hierarchy of five (no more or no less) of the most important topics that you feel need to be addressed in this one (1) day course that best fits the course title of “Information Technology Audit and Control: The Essentials Presented in One Day.” Give a detailed rationale for each of the five (5) topics.

Using 140 characters or less (the length of a Tweet), summarize the importance of this class to someone unfamiliar with this subject

Answer preview Elaborate on three (3) of the obstacles that must be overcome as a business moves up the CMMI model.

Elaborate on three (3) of the obstacles that must be overcome as a business moves up the CMMI model.


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