After taking a look at the research organization list of American Nurses Association (ANA) I immediately became interested in the Practice Based Research Networks

 After taking a look at the research organization list of American Nurses Association (ANA) I immediately became interested in the Practice Based Research Networks

Bernis Ngwane

           After taking a look at the research organization list of American Nurses Association (ANA) I immediately became interested in the Practice Based Research Networks (PBRNs), mostly because I belong to the practice council on my unit which has given me a whole new insight into nursing policies and practices on my unit and the hospital I work for. For example, we use research based practices to educate our nurses on why we take certain actions to prevent and decrease falls or importance of patient teaching while using the white boards in patient’s rooms. I believe my practice council is somehow linked to PBRNs since they both incorporate research.

From my understanding Practice Based Research Networks (PBRNs) are groups of devoted clinicians who provide primary care to patients, that have decided to come together to solve community based healthcare questions through research findings in order to provide and improve healthcare for their patents and communities. Its always good to know and see people take that extra step to provide excellent health care. I will love to become a part of something like this to back to my unit or hospital and improve patient care.


Research Toolkit. (n.d.). Retrieved May 21, 2018, from


Gina Berry

The Organization that immediately caught my attention was the Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS) due to the location being the east coast which is close to where I am located. The mission of the ENRS is to “promote nursing science research in the Northeastern US.” (Eastern Nursing Research Soicety, 2016). The ENRS was founded in 1988, made up of RNs and provides a community platform for networking, linking nursing researchers in the eastern region. Nursing research has always been an area of interest for me and researching this organization has really opened my eyes. I am also interested in the scientific conferences that are held annually, I would be interested in attending the workshops in order to learn more information about developing nursing research and breaking into the field.

The ENRC has a research interest group (RIG) that conducts research on a variety of nursing areas, some of which include global health, criminal justice, trauma, violence, and clinical settings as well as a multitude of other topics. Each of these RIG’s allow colleagues to meet and share ideas regarding new research endeavors. These research groups provide a forum for scholarly discussion and research for each particular area of interest. The group that I am particularly interested in would be the early career nurse scientist group. Having been a nurse for a little over 1 year, I am fortunate that early career nurses like myself have a networking community for those of us who may be unsure of what we may want to do next to further our nursing careers and this provides a good opportunity to explore other options.


Eastern Nursing Research Society. (2016, January 15). Retrieved May 24, 2018, from

Answer preview  After taking a look at the research organization list of American Nurses Association (ANA) I immediately became interested in the Practice Based Research Networks

 After taking a look at the research organization list of American Nurses Association (ANA) I immediately became interested in the Practice Based Research Networks


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