Identify and analyze those functions that you would consider to be most difficult to implement and sustain within an organization.

Identify and analyze those functions that you would consider to be most difficult to implement and sustain within an organization.


Total Quality has been practiced since the early 1980’s with varying degrees of success. Those organizations that embraced the concept, experienced early gains in productivity, lower costs, and motivated employees. However, maintaining the effort required a change in management thinking and reasoning. Total Quality challenges the company to continuously improve, and that improvement should be easily detected by customers, suppliers and stakeholders.


Initial Posting

Identify and analyze those functions that you would consider to be most difficult to implement and sustain within an organization. Is it possible to implement and sustain Total Quality for the foreseeable future, given these constraints?

Answer preview Identify and analyze those functions that you would consider to be most difficult to implement and sustain within an organization.

Identify and analyze those functions that you would consider to be most difficult to implement and sustain within an organization.


271 words