Finally, what is your relationship to the origin myth stories? Has your understanding of the meanings and relevancy of the myth stories within which you were socialized changed?

Finally, what is your relationship to the origin myth stories? Has your understanding of the meanings and relevancy of the myth stories within which you were socialized changed?

Take some time to consider and respond to the following writing prompts: How does
the origin of the universe imply meaning or purpose in life? Regardless of the veracity of
global myths, why are myths relevant today? Please add some examples from
contemporary news or events as links-make sure you describe what the links are to and
how relate to the relevancy of origin myth stories. Finally, what is your relationship to the
origin myth stories? Has your understanding of the meanings and relevancy of the myth
stories within which you were socialized changed? How?

Answer preview Finally, what is your relationship to the origin myth stories? Has your understanding of the meanings and relevancy of the myth stories within which you were socialized changed?

Finally what is your relationship to the origin myth stories? Has your understanding of the meanings and relevancy of the myth stories


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