Discuss the importance of a composite scholarly framework for the analysis of African popular culture.

Discuss the importance of a composite scholarly framework for the analysis of African popular culture.

Question#1, section A, is compulsory.

Choose one more question form Section B.


Section A (at least 800 words)

1.With requisite attention to their intricate strands, social and dynamic networks, discuss the importance of a composite scholarly framework for the analysis of African popular culture.

Section B (at least 700 words)

2.Analyze African popular music as a convergence of genres, anchored in experimentations, negotiations and transformations that crisscross histories, cultures, creativity and commerce.

3.With respect to ongoing debates around them, discuss, critically, the centrality of identity, lifestyle, cultural formations and worldliness among the Sapeurs and Skothane (Izikothane).

4.Examine, with requisite subtleties, how contemporary African fashion, through fabrics, heritage, styles, aesthetics, and new media, contests generic notions of fashion and ‘Africanness’.

5.Identify and analyze the cultural, social, institutional, and political debates fundamental to understanding the challenges and subcultures of sexual minorities in African popular culture.

Answer preview  Discuss the importance of a composite scholarly framework for the analysis of African popular culture.

Discuss the importance of a composite scholarly framework for the analysis of African popular culture.

1579 words