Explore the similarities OR differences between colonialist discourse and orientalist discourse.

Explore the similarities OR differences between colonialist discourse and orientalist discourse.

You have a choice between two essay prompts (Two prompts choice one). The essay must be typed, double-spaced and in Times New Roman 12-point font. Your answers must be in proper essay format, with a short introduction, body and short conclusion. Fallowing the rubric.(Please note that you are also being graded on flow, cohesion, grammar, and overall structure of your paper). The essay is limited to 650 words. You have a 20-word cushion. Please do not use outside resources. When paraphrasing, cite author and page number. Please also highlight your key concepts and authors in bold font.

Prompt #1:

Compare/Contrast Essay on Colonialism, Orientalism, and Discourse (650 words)

Using the work of Frantz Fanon and Edward Said (required readings for this course), explore the similarities OR differences between colonialist discourse and orientalist discourse. In your answer, please make sure you:

1.clearly define and describe the two discourses

2.state the similarities OR differences between the discourses

3.briefly paraphrase the work of Fanon and Said (please highlight your authors in bold font)

4.incorporate the concept of racialization to discuss the image of the black man and the Arab. Please highlight your concept in bold font.

Prompt #2: Concept Essay on Civilization or Multiculturalism (650 words)

The aim of a concept essay is to inform readers about a particular topic. Clear define and describe one of the following concepts. Explore the concept as discourse. In the essay. choose two authors from weeks 4 through 6 to relate your concept to the idea/narrative of the superiority of Western thought and values. Briefly paraphrase the work of your chosen authors. Please highlight your discourse and authors in bold font.



Answer preview Explore the similarities OR differences between colonialist discourse and orientalist discourse.

Explore the similarities OR differences between colonialist discourse and orientalist discourse.APA

711 words