You can choose three questions based on the study guide you prepared in advance

You can choose three questions based on the study guide you prepared in advance

You can choose three questions based on the study guide you prepared in advance. Each question must be answered with 250-300 words. Make sure to write as clearly and specifically as possible. Use your own words.

All Three Questions must be in one document.

Include at least one scholarly source for each essay question.

Know the strengths and weaknesses of both Utilitarianism and Ethical Egoism and be able to argue in support of (or opposition to) either, including personal or historical examples to back your conclusions.

Be prepared to articulate both the strengths and weaknesses of Divine Command Theory and to argue either for or against DCT in connection with making ethical decisions.

Know the ethical theory of Soren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche, being capable of describing background and contextual factors shaping their worldviews and ethical thinking, and the influence of their thought on subsequent ethical thinking and morality.

Be capable of articulating the ethical theories of Hobbes, Hume, and Kant, paying special attention to morality and justice matters, plus the contextual/background factors that shaped their theories. Be able to say why you agree or disagree with each of their views, giving a current-day instance to support your claims.

Know the thinking and key thinkers comprising rationalism and empiricism, being able to compare and contrast these knowledge theories, particularly regarding their approaches to ethics (whether Christian-oriented or otherwise) and the far-reaching impact on the liberal arts and Western world.

Know in detail Kierkegaard’s “Three Stages on Life’s Way.” Be capable of giving a present-day illustration representing each stage, as well as an assessment of the ethical “journey” as set forth by Kierkegaard.

Answer preview You can choose three questions based on the study guide you prepared in advance

You can choose three questions based on the study guide you prepared in advance


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