For a minimum of two pages, apply Liberal Modernization theory to at least two of our Asia country cases

For a minimum of two pages, apply Liberal Modernization theory to at least two of our Asia country cases

Minimum page length: 6 pages not including introduction or conclusion, double-spaced (10 or 12

point Arial or Times New Roman font with standard margins). Minimize if not avoid direct

quotations. Only required or optional course materials assigned in the syllabus or course page

may be used for this assignment, and outside research is not permitted. Your completed

. Specific Directions

There are 3 required parts for this assignment:

1. For a minimum of two pages, apply Liberal Modernization theory to at least two of our Asia

country cases (Japan, China, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan). To maximize your score, please

take care to apply specific aspects of Liberal Modernization Theory to specific aspects of the

country cases. Please do not generally describe the theory or countries. For these specifics,

please use the readings from Modules 10a to 13a.

2. For a minimum of two pages, apply the Developmental State Model to at least two of our Asia

country cases (Japan, China, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan). To maximize your score, please

take care to apply specific aspects of the Developmental State Model to specific aspects of the

country cases. Please do not generally describe the model or countries. For these specifics,

please use the readings from Modules 13b to 16b.

3. Based upon your specific applications in Parts 1 & 2, for a minimum of two pages, rank one of

the theories/models as stronger in explaining the Asian country cases, and the other theory/model

as weaker in explaining the Asian country cases. To maximize your score, please take care to

specific about the strengths and weaknesses of the theories/models. In ranking one theory/model

as stronger, and one theory/model as weaker, please devote approximately one page to each

theory/model in this section of the assignment. Please note that this ranking is specific to our

Asian country cases, and only use our course materials this assignment. While these

theories/models can certainly be applied to other countries, for this assignment do not rank them

for countries not covered in this course.

Answer preview For a minimum of two pages, apply Liberal Modernization theory to at least two of our Asia country cases

For a minimum of two pages apply Liberal Modernization theory to at least two of our Asia country cases


2392 words