What factors determine whether to call 9-1-1

What factors determine whether to call 9-1-1

Review Questions

What factors determine whether to call 9-1-1?

How is a mandated reporter different from the average citizen?

Who can benefit from support groups in the community?

Is depression a lifelong condition? Explain your answer.

How do medical professionals determine what kind of technology to use when diagnosing illness?

Critical Thinking Questions

Describe a situation in which an emergency helicopter might be used even through a hospital was not far away.

Explain why it is important that even young children learn to dial 9-1-1.

Why is it a good idea to call a hotline if you are not sure whether what you have witnessed is actually abuse?

Give an example of a reason a person would chose to see a mental health professional even though there is not a medical problem.

How might an individual’s substance abuse problem impact friends and family?

Answer preview What factors determine whether to call 9-1-1

What factors determine whether to call 9-1-1


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