Describe a set of circumstances under which it would not be reasonable to consider that the emergency responder has assumed the risk of the hazardous circumstances at the scene.

Describe a set of circumstances under which it would not be reasonable to consider that the emergency responder has assumed the risk of the hazardous circumstances at the scene.

Case Study 1: 50 points

Review Case Study 18-1: EMT Injured by Toxic Fumes – Files Suit Against Chemical Company, found on page 231 in the textbook. Kapherr v. MFG Chemical, Inc., No. A06A0184, December 28, 2005.

In Kapherr, the Georgia Court of Appeals found that the Fireman’s rule does apply to emergency medical technicians. Address the argument that Kapherr maintained regarding treating the injured only if the scene had been secured. Do you agree with the court’s reasoning in responding to this defense? Explain why or why not.

Describe a set of circumstances under which it would not be reasonable to consider that the emergency responder has assumed the risk of the hazardous circumstances at the scene.

Research and determine the status of the Fireman’s rule in Georgia. Identify whether there has been any change to the law since Kapherr. Research and determine the status of the Fireman’s rule in your state. If your state is Georgia or Florida, please select a neighboring state. Has the rule been adopted and enacted into law? Have there been any exceptions enacted into law?

Answer preview Describe a set of circumstances under which it would not be reasonable to consider that the emergency responder has assumed the risk of the hazardous circumstances at the scene.

Describe a set of circumstances under which it would not be reasonable to consider that the emergency responder has assumed the risk


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