Issues of Urbanization or Natural Resources

Issues of Urbanization or Natural Resources

Geography Question

Geog. 100: Elements of Geography

Application Assignment #4: Issues of Urbanization or Natural Resources
Total points: 50

IMPORTANT: All late assignments need to be submitted in the late assignment drop box on D2L. No penalties for late assignment but very late assignments (past two weeks from due date) may be subjected to late penalties.

• Please submit in either Word or PDFformat. No other format is acceptable.
• Put your name and Geog100-(your section number) in one line at the top of your exercise.
• One and half pages is the minimum requirement for this assignment, no maximum or upper page limit. Feel free to go beyond the required pages if you want.
• The assignment in itself and particularly the written part of the assignment needs to be in 11-point font (Times New Roman or Arial font), double-spaced, one inch margin on both sides.
• IMPORTANT: Write your paper in paragraphs with appropriate sub-headings. PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN BULLETED POINTS! Papers written in bullet points will impact the grade.

What to do?

Part 1: Finding the resource

• Find a GLOBALnews article/media report within the last 10 (2010-2020) years on:

• an issue related to Urbanization (as it relates to Chapter 11)
• an issue related to Natural Resources (as it relates to Chapter 12).

• Before you look for the news article or media report on the internet, do give a thorough reading of Chapter 11 or 12 (whichever chapter you choose). Your news article should be related (broadly if not accurately) to some of the issues discussed in the chapter you choose to find your news article/media report on. This is important because the chapter will give you direction, key words, concepts, etc. to look for.

• The article must be from a national level reputable news source, such as: news magazines (e.g., Newsweek), newspapers (e.g., The New York Times), a government publication (e.g., from the Department of Education), and/or a non-profit publication (e.g., Human Rights Watch).

• It is recommended that you find news article/report from countries globally, and not focus on the United States alone. Finding something from outside of the US will lend great value to your assignment.

• Recommended News Sites. You can use similar news sites from the internet but they must be reputable or well known. (Some of the links below may or may not work if you click from here, so search for them on Google):

Part 2: Write up

• Copy and paste the link to your news article/media report at the top of your assignment before you proceed to analyze the article/report.

• Write a one and half pages minimum focusing on the following:
o Provide a summary of the news article/media report in a short paragraph (what is this article about?; where did you get it from?; why did you chose this article?)
o Describe up to three important points that are take way from this news article/report. Why are these points important for you?
o How do you think does this article/report relate to Chapter 11 or 12 (based on your choice)?
o What specific connections do you see between the aspects discussed in the article/report to a concept/issue discussed in Chapter 11 or 12? How does the concept/issue discussed in Chapter 11 or 12 help you understand the topic better?

Grading Criteria:

• A news article/media report on a country outside the United States, if possible.
• A news article/media report from a reputable source.
• A good summary and reflection on the article/report.
• Good connections between the article/report and concepts/issues discussed in Chapter 11/12.

Answer preview Issues of Urbanization or Natural Resources

Issues of Urbanization or Natural Resources


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