Managing an actual media outlet is a Troy University official student-run on-line radio station

Managing an actual media outlet is a Troy University official student-run on-line radio station

Major Project for JRN 4401-Managing an actual media outlet is a Troy University official student-run on-line radio station. It “broadcasts” from noon till midnight weekdays(central

time). It needs to raise about$200 a month to meet its expenses,license fees,

etc. This puts it in competition for advertising dollars with every other media

outlet in Pike County, including the Troy Messenger,Troy Cablevision

Channel 52,and WTBF-AM(1947)and WTBF-FM(1997),the only

commercial stations in Pike County.

WTBF-AM is a”local” station,playing primarily to the Troy population of

approx.15,000 and to a lesser extent, Pike County,with about the same

number or residents.

WTBF-FM is an”oldies”station,with older demographics(35-65),and is

more local than most but also carries news and information to appeal to the

entire Wiregrass, which their signal covers well.

Troy Messenger is the only local newspaper, and it is published five days a

week. They skip Monday and Sunday.

1. Group One is managing do we play in

order to attract our core audience, how much are commercials,and what can

Do we do to promote it?

2. Group Two gets to be the new owners of WTBF-AM/FM. How do we

maintain the current level of service and profit against this new upstart?

What do we play, and why?How do we promote?What do we charge?

3. Group Three gets to be the new owners of the Troy Messenger.

4. Group Four gets to start a new TV station in Pike County.

You will be a part of any group(you choose).

As a class, you decide on whether you want a traditional broadcast radio station or strictly an on-Line station.Then you decide on the target audience,which informs your decision about programming. You will also set advertising rates to pay for everything,and create promotions to let everyone know about your new station. Everyone gets an assignment on the role they will play in this project: format implementation(music?talk?live?automation?hybrid?);set the cost of advertising and justifying it; deciding what to do about news or sports;create a promotion to publicize that a new station has arrived.

This is a class project. Everyone should play a role. Decided Nov.14:target demographic:18-30.Format:Fun Jack.Online station only,60 hours a

week,$200 monthly expenses for licensing fees and streaming software.

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When you decide to operate a broadcast station, you must first decide several things:

Who can we get to listen to(or watch)our station? (what demographics will we serve?)

What will we play on our station? What format will we choose(the overall type of shows)

How much news or sports will we use and when?

Will we choose a live operation,automation,a combination(or hybrid)of the two,or voice-tracking?

What will be the style and feel of the station?

This is the original information on our class modules. Our group has 3 members. You can select any group as you want within the groups given above for every one of us.

Answer preview Managing an actual media outlet is a Troy University official student-run on-line radio station

Managing an actual media outlet is a Troy University official student-run on-line radio station


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