What would have to be the magnitude of an event for the government to decide to initiate martial law? Why?

What would have to be the magnitude of an event for the government to decide to initiate martial law? Why?

Make a post of 5–7 paragraphs (same as roughly 1.5 pages +/-) discussing the possibility of martial law in the wake of a terrorist attack or a significant natural or man-made disaster.

What is the purpose of martial law? Explain.

What would have to be the magnitude of an event for the government to decide to initiate martial law? Why?

Currently, how likely do you think it is that martial law will be initiated in response to a significant terrorist attack or natural disaster? Explain.

With regard to the U.S. Constitution and civil liberties, what are the arguments against the use of martial law? Explain.

Do you agree or disagree? Explain your position

Second part

Following Hurricane Katrina, citizens’ guns were confiscated, and many were forced to relocate.

Address the following in 300–500 words:

Research and summarize the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act.

Were any constitutional rights violated during Hurricane Katrina with regard to policing by the military on U.S. soil? Why or why not?

Why have some argued that the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act should be eliminated? Explain.

Do you agree with its proposed removal? Why or why not?

Answer preview What would have to be the magnitude of an event for the government to decide to initiate martial law? Why?

What would have to be the magnitude of an event for the government to decide to initiate martial law? Why?


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