How does Marketing Research allow us to practice Marketing Segmentation

How does Marketing Research allow us to practice Marketing Segmentation

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Watch Dr. Wei’s presentation about Segmentation/Targeting/Positioning and Marketing Research. Take notes that will help you complete this Journal Entry.

1. Why do Marketing Research? Dr. Wei talks to you about the reasons. Please list the reasons with explanations (bullet format with 2 – 3 sentences describing each).

2. Dr. Wei introduced herself to this class. What did you learn about her from this introduction (i.e.,where born, where educated, where received her education, and her background in teaching). (Paragraph format – at least 2 paragraphs)

3. Dr. Wei talks about requirements of Market Segmentation and that there must be a difference in order to use segmentation. What are the 4 requirements for segmentation, and explain the meaning of each requirement. (1 substantial paragraph for each of the 4 requirements. Total 4 paragraphs)

4. How does Marketing Research allow us to practice Marketing Segmentation?

We are so glad to have Dr. Wei as part of the Marketing Department here at Texas A&M Central Texas. I know that you marketing majors will have the opportunity to have a class with Dr. Wei before you graduate. Enjoy her class and learn all you can from her. She is very knowledgable.

Answer preview  Why do Marketing Research? Dr. Wei talks to you about the reasons.

How does Marketing Research allow us to practice Marketing Segmentation


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