Critically evaluate how strategic marketing plans are used to attain desired marketing objectives.

Critically evaluate how strategic marketing plans are used to attain desired marketing objectives.

Assessment Task

Using an organization of your choice on which to base your assignment, critically evaluate how strategic marketing plans are used to attain desired marketing objectives.

Specific Criteria/Guidance Areas that should be included in your discussion are as follows:

• You may select any organization, but one in consumer markets may be easier to help illustrate your points. This also depends on your own work experience and access to a business.

• You may refer to other organizations or industry cases for comparison, to support your analysis. • The importance of planning and the use marketing activities should be a theme through your assessment.

• You are not expected to provide detailed information about the organization’s actual marketing strategies or marketing objectives, but you should be able to make sensible inferences based on your reading, knowledge and context of the organization. In some cases this information may be available, and you should look to use it in supporting your analysis.

• You should provide a critical evaluation of how your organization uses marketing techniques to achieve its marketing objectives and fulfill consumer requirements. Ensure that your work has not even the smallest element of plagiarism. You are advised to refer to the links to the rules and regulations on Academic Integrity on the module space and in the module handbook.

Answer preview Critically evaluate how strategic marketing plans are used to attain desired marketing objectives.

Critically evaluate how strategic marketing plans are used to attain desired marketing objectives.


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