Fast growing and very competitive Hypermarket in Oman offered you to be the head of the marketing team.

Fast growing and very competitive Hypermarket in Oman offered you to be the head of the marketing team.

Task: Analyse the situation below and write a report

Fast growing and very competitive Hypermarket in Oman offered you to be the head of the marketing team. One of the major function of the market team is to maintain a dynamic and Integrated Marketing Communications plan. Your team started evaluating existing in marketing communication activities of the Hypermarket and eventually prepare an effective and efficient Integrated Marketing Communication plan that will put the Hypermarket into comparative advantage.

Select a specific hypermarkets operating in Sultanate of Oman and conduct a comprehensive analysis of the communication plan of the chosen Hypermarket.

Analyse and discuss the different Marketing Communication tools (i. e. Advertising, sales, promotion, direct marketing, personal selling, and Public Relations) that you think are appropriate and effective to the company in realising it’s goals.

The following must be in the report:

1) Introduction

A. Concepts and value of Integrated Marketing Communications.

Brief presentation and discussion about the concepts and importance of Integrated Marketing Communications.

B. Company background.

Brief description about the history and Nature of operation of the company.

C. Market condition.

Describe the competition (competitors) and the market share.

2) Target market profile

Describe and discuss the target audience in terms of:

A. Demographic (income level, gender, educational level, location, ethnicity, race, age and family size)

B. Psychographic (interest, activities, opinions)

C. Geography (region, population density, cultural preferences)

3) SWOT analysis

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the company as well as the possible opportunities and threats that may be encountered in its operation.

4) Marketing and Communications objectives

Identify and discuss the marketing and Communications objectives of the company.

5) Marketing communication media

Determine and justify the use of media being used by the company and discuss its influence to the company’s operation.

6) Marketing Communications tools

Analyse and discuss the different marketing Communications tools that are appropriate to the company considering its available resources.

Evaluate it’s effects (marcom tools) to the marketing Communications objectives of the company.

7) Conclusion and Recommendation

Summarise the significant findings from the different parts of your IMCP report.

Answer preview Fast growing and very competitive Hypermarket in Oman offered you to be the head of the marketing team.

Fast growing and very competitive Hypermarket in Oman offered you to be the head of the marketing team. 


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