Traditional advertising vs. social media advertising: Which one is more effective on consumer purchase decision.

Traditional advertising vs. social media advertising: Which one is more effective on consumer purchase decision.

Traditional advertising vs. social media advertising: Which one is more effective on consumer purchase decision.

Guidelines for Research Project

Here are the different sections of the research report.

1. Establish the need for marketing research. A one to two page write up describing the reason behind this study.

Define the problem — What is the real problem you are trying to solve through your research.

Establish research objective — Specify what information will be collected to solve the problem by facilitating selection of a decision alternative. (review page 50-57)

Determine research design — How would you design your research? This should include research type, purpose, time frame, scope, and environment.

Identify information type and sources – What type of data would you collect and what are the sources of your data?

Determine methods of accessing data – How would you reach out to your research participants?

Design data collection forms – You have to develop the questionnaire survey to collect the data for you study.

Determine sample plan and size — What would be your sample size and how would you determine the sample size?

Collect data – You need to collect the data using your survey questionnaire for you study.

Analyze data – Analyze your collected data; mention the technique and tools you used to analyze the data.

Answer preview Traditional advertising vs. social media advertising: Which one is more effective on consumer purchase decision.

Traditional advertising vs. social media advertising Which one is more effective on consumer purchase decision.

7 slides