Discuss your new target market. (If you are not changing your target market from what the company focuses on explaining why)

Discuss your new target market. (If you are not changing your target market from what the company focuses on explaining why)

Discuss your new target market. (If you are not changing your target market from what the company focuses on explaining why) This does not mean your company is shifting focus on their target market, this just means for this marketing plan you are focusing on a new target market.

Gen Z (Beginning of college, college students)

I believe the shift occurred from Gen Y to Gen Z because of purchasing power and influence of social media

Why did you choose this target market?

Choosing a Gen Z person in the older side because of responsible marketing, and that these Gen Z people are becoming the new families in the coming years

Indirect marketing to their children as well

Gen Y in terms of marketing to children

Create a persona on the person(s) within your new target market. You may need more than 1 persona to describe your target market best.

Kevin – 21, college sports, social media, social justice, community, get togethers, has been in college, going to graduating soon, consumer of media (product placement), art major from New York, interested in sports (share a coke with)

→ wants to be involved with a brand, choosing a brand based off of price (Dr. Pib) but people also know what they like, will choose Coca Cola because of brand loyalty (taste)

Hannah – 18, social media, invested in social justice, representation, social life, get togethers, going into college, consumer of media, video games and movies (product placement), hiking, engineering major from San Ramon

→ wanting to choose a drink for the party, decides to buy coca cola because they are supportive of her ideals, and also that coca cola is involved on social media, likes personalization

Benefit, use, lifestyle, psychographic (Ch 4 – pg 98)

o Income

o Education

o Gender

o Geographic

o Buying behaviors (be sure to include the typical post-purchase behavior of this group as well. i.e., use of social media)

Discuss benefit, use, lifestyle, psychographic, etc.… of your chosen target market

Discuss 2 other market segments that would be your #2 and #3 markets based on the ability to increase revenue and profits. You do not need to create personas. You are just giving an overview of who else you considered while choosing who your new target market will be. You do not generate any advertising for these 2 groups.

What are the target markets of your 2 closest competitors target markets?

Answer preview  Discuss your new target market. (If you are not changing your target market from what the company focuses on explaining why)

Discuss your new target market. (If you are not changing your target market from what the company focuses on explaining why)


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