Why is strategy important to EMAGINE”S Manufacturing?
BUS480Discussions1.4 Discussion: Why Strategic Planning?
In your original post, answer the following:
You are a Vice President at EMAGINE Manufacturing. Click here download to learn more about EMAGINE Manufacturing. Your CEO has come to you with an idea, taking EMAGINE”S number one selling hospital bed into South America, specifically Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Currently, Manufacturing is operating in Mexico. This venture would be in Brazil to address the shortages the pandemic has left.
Think about how you would want to measure success and remain competitive. Respond to the following points and questions:
Why is strategy important to EMAGINE”S Manufacturing? Or is it?
Review EMAGINE Manufacturing’s vision and mission. Does this new venture align? Why or why not?
What is the single most important strategy you would consider to remain competitive?
Answer preview why is strategy important to EMAGINE”S Manufacturing?
319 words