The bank has a policy of empowerment and empowered all the employees holding both junior and senior leadership positions.

The bank has a policy of empowerment and empowered all the employees holding both junior and senior leadership positions.

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

ZNA BANK LLC, is a well-known Bank in Oman. The bank has a policy of empowerment and empowered all the employees holding both junior and senior leadership positions. The Bank also has a separate training institute which educates the employees about the fundamental of leadership and management in the company and works through a number of specialised leadership modules, providing the knowledge to enable them to lead Bank businesses. The studies involve lot of challenging projects and work assignments. The Senior Managers of the bank also take part in the leadership programmes, where they learn transformational leadership skills and the essentials of coaching and mentoring informal programmes and informal learning activities. These trainings form an important part in the leadership development programme of ZNA Bank LLC.

Consider yourself as the Human Resource Manager of ZNA Bank LLC. You have been asked by the CEO to study the difference between the functions of a manager and the role of a leader considering the characteristics, behaviours and traits that support effective management and leadership.

You are required to identify and differentiate between the role of a leader and the functions of a manager. Your assignment should explain and compare the different roles and characteristics of a leader and manager, while effectively applying various theories and concepts to improve your analysis.

Prepare a report to the CEO that includes following:

An overview of the organization focusing on the characteristics, best practices and management structure.

Clear definitions on leaders and managers, focusing on the comparison of their roles and characteristics. You are also expected to analyse and differentiate the role of a leader and the functions of a manager by applying suitable theories in a creative and effective manner. (PI &M1)

You are required to study and examine, how the role of a leader and the functions of a manager apply in the situational context given above. (P2)

You are also expected to apply suitable models and leadership approaches such as situational leadership, systems leadership and contingency, to the given situations. You are also expected to assess the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to situations within the work and environment (P3&M2)

You may also include a critical analysis on how theories such as ‘chaos theory’ and ‘management by objectives’ apply to the organisation and how these have supported growth and sustainable performance. (Dl)

Consider, that the market dynamics have changed and your organization is facing the following situation.

The market place has become highly unpredictable, and,

Your organization is facing quite a few problems, such as, lack of morale and motivation from the employees, unhappy partners (suppliers and distributors) and lack of loyalty from the customers.

Should be 2500 word with zero or 5 percentage of cheating )

Answer preview The bank has a policy of empowerment and empowered all the employees holding both junior and senior leadership positions.

The bank has a policy of empowerment and empowered all the employees holding both junior and senior leadership positions.


2803 words