You observe Polaris at an altitude of 70° in the North, a quarter moon just rising

You observe Polaris at an altitude of 70° in the North, a quarter moon just rising

a. You observe Polaris at an altitude of 70° in the North, a quarter moon just rising, and your watch says its 6

AM EST in NYC. What time is it locally? What’s your latitude and approximate longitude? How do you

know? Where are you? (Hint: what’s the longitude of NYC? How many degrees of longitude per timezone?

You can use an online Atlas to see where you are).

b. Suppose instead, from the position of the Southern Cross, you estimate that the South Celestial Pole is at an

altitude of 25° in the South. You see a full moon halfway between the zenith and the western horizon, and

your watch tells you its 7 PM EST in NYC. Where are you?

Answer preview You observe Polaris at an altitude of 70° in the North, a quarter moon just risingYou observe Polaris at an altitude of 70° in the North, a quarter moon just rising


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