Read the story of Prometheus and compare and contrast the consequences both characters face for their choices from each story.

Read the story of Prometheus and compare and contrast the consequences both characters face for their choices from each story.

Research the characteristics of Gothic literature and make a list of everything you learn about it. Then
review passages from the novel Frankenstein and compare the list of Gothic characteristics to the novel.
What similarities do you find? Explain how Frankenstein is a Gothic novel. In your essay, write about the
elements that make up the story such as the setting, character development, narrative voice, tone, and
theme. Choose a few of these, and explain how they contribute to the novel’s identity as a Gothic novel.
Support your findings with lines from the novel and researched information. Do not write a book report
or summarize the plot. Instead, prove that this novel is Gothic through the evidence gathered during
Prompt: What are the elements of gothic literature? After researching these, do you think
Frankenstein should be considered a gothic novel, why or why not? Use specific examples.

2. Research the scientific advancements of the late 1700s and early 1800s in Britain. Choose a few of
these advancements that happened BEFORE 1818 when the novel was published, and explain how those
advancements created perceived dangers to the public, and may have influenced Mary Shelley when she
wrote Frankenstein. Compare and contrast the advancements of the late 1700s and early 1800s with
more recent advancements in science. Discuss the influence of the advancements from both periods. For
example, explore the debate surrounding grafting human body parts, etc. and discuss how issues like
these relate to the novel. Support your findings with lines from the novel and researched information.
Prompt: Research the inventions/scientific advancements from the late 1700’s, early 1800’s and
today. How do you think they influenced Shelley’s Frankenstein (use specific examples from the text
and research). How did Shelley’s ideas from the novel influence any inventions today?

3. The subtitle of Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein, is “The Modern Prometheus.” Read the myth of
Prometheus, and then research the figure of Prometheus from Greek mythology. Write a research essay
that explores the connection between Shelley’s novel and the Greek myth of Prometheus. Compare and
contrast the characters of Victor Frankenstein and Prometheus to determine the consequences each faced
when introducing their discoveries to the world at large. To support your findings, include lines from the
myth and the novel as well as researched information.

Prompt: Read the story of Prometheus and compare and contrast the consequences both
characters face for their choices from each story.

Answer preview Read the story of Prometheus and compare and contrast the consequences both characters face for their choices from each story.

Read the story of Prometheus and compare and contrast the consequences both characters face for their choices from each story.


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