Distinguish digital or print materials through annotation to demonstrate reading and summary skills

Distinguish digital or print materials through annotation to demonstrate reading and summary skills

Below is the link for the story.


Instruction for Paper 1: How is a literary element (plot, setting, characterization/character, diction, theme) represented in a short story to create meaning for the reader? You will develop a paper that answers this question and demonstrates the following outcomes for writing and literature:

Analyze literature for a purpose

Distinguish digital or print materials through annotation to demonstrate reading and summary skills

Identify a literary element–such as plot, setting, character, diction, or theme–in a short story

Identify one to three examples in the story that support the thesis

Write a thesis that clearly states your interpretation of the “meaning” (significance) the story based upon evidence related to the literary element you have selected to examine in the story

Write clear topic sentences for paragraphs that let the reader know what each paragraph of the body of the paper will discuss

Write paragraphs that explain how the examples from the story support the thesis

Arrange a paper by presenting paragraphs in a coherent, purposeful manner

Write sentences in standard American English that clearly express ideas

Demonstrate the MLA style of formatting in the layout of a paper

Demonstrate the MLA style of formatting by documenting material from the story within the paper and on a Works Cited page

Explain in a clear and logical fashion what you have learned about your writing

Paper 1 assignment requires a complete alphanumeric outline be submitted with the paper in a single document

500-750 words for the paper (two to three pages, double-spaced)

complete alphanumeric outline

2-3 paragraphs (Reflection)

Answer preview Distinguish digital or print materials through annotation to demonstrate reading and summary skills

Distinguish digital or print materials through annotation to demonstrate reading and summary skills


951 words