Should Romeo and Juliet marriage be legalized

Should Romeo and Juliet marriage be legalized

Should Romeo and Juliet marriage be legalized
Directions: Using the text, write an argumentative writing piece of 5 paragraphs. Make sure to include a claim and support it with evidence. In addition, include a counterclaim and rebuttal with evidence. (Tip: Introduce your counterclaim paragraph by using transitional signals like “On the other hand…” or “Some people believe…” Introduce your rebuttal by using the word “However,…”)
Claim: is the main argument.
Counterclaim: is the opposite of the argument, or the opposing argument. Rebuttal: a refutation or contradiction.
Steps to Writing Argumentative Outline
1. Introduce subject (include title, author, topic background/setting) (INTRO)
2. Make a claim.
3. Provide several quotes from each of the texts to support your claim.
4. Explain how your quotes prove your claim.
5. Write a counterclaim paragraph. Provide reasoning and evidence from either text.
6. Provide a rebuttal and evidence. (CONCL)

Answer preview should Romeo and Juliet marriage be legalized

Should Romeo and Juliet marriage be legalized


349 words