Locate a FMLA case that was decided in the last 5 years.

Locate a FMLA case that was decided in the last 5 years.

Question 1:

There are two (2) types of legal claims employees may make when suing an employer under the FMLA. Do your own research and identify these two types of claims. Then, in your own words, describe how the claims are analyzed. In other words, what does an employee have to prove when bringing each type of claim? What might an employer argue in defense of such claims?

Question 2:

The FMLA allows an employee to take “intermittent leave.” First, do your own research into “intermittent leave.” Then, in your own words, describe what that term means. What is the shortest period of time that an employee can be away from work on “intermittent leave?” What must an employer do to track an employee’s use of FMLA leave? Finally, find a case that concerns “intermittent leave” and explain what the dispute was about and how the court ruled.

Question 3:

Locate a FMLA case that was decided in the last 5 years. Try to locate one from the federal Ninth Circuit court (which covers Nevada) (this must be a separate case…not one used to answer a previous question) and describe what the Plaintiff’s claim was about, what the employer argued as a defense, and how the Court ruled. I want a full explanation about the key issues in the case.

Answer preview Locate a FMLA case that was decided in the last 5 years.

Locate a FMLA case that was decided in the last 5 years.

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