Discuss the parts of the brain as they relate to learning and memory.

Discuss the parts of the brain as they relate to learning and memory.

Write a 450 – 600 word essay that:

1. Discuss the parts of the brain as they relate to learning and memory.

2. Discuss learning styles.

3. Include your learning style, strengths & weaknesses, and study tools (what old skill(s) align(s) with your results from the Learning Styles Survey and what new tool might you try).

Source material: 1. your notes and text (I will send you later), 2. http://thebrain.mcgill.ca/ and 3. my learning style survey results

Make sure that you read all the source pages, discuss the sources that you have been provided and incorporate your understanding of the concepts into the essay. consider potential answers to the Guiding Questions and think about how best to organize your essay in response to the Writing Prompts. Be sure that you follow and address all of the Guiding Question

.cpr_final_draft_pdf lecture_note_5 essay_brain learning_style_survey_result

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Discuss the parts of the brain as they relate to learning and memory.APA

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