Students will give a 5-minute presentation in their class on their personal action plan, explaining areas of leadership they would like to develop while they are at the university and why.

Students will give a 5-minute presentation in their class on their personal action plan, explaining areas of leadership they would like to develop while they are at the university and why.


Students will give a 5-minute presentation in their class on their personal action plan, explaining areas of leadership they would like to develop while they are at the university and why. This presentation is worth 10% of the overall grade. The personal action plan is to be included in the SLP.

In this presentation, student are encouraged to present two or three areas they’d like to improve in their leadership development (based on the CCL self-assessment) while at the college and their plan for achieving this, demonstrating critical awareness of the leadership skills necessary at the strategic level of an organization. The presentation will be assessed based on the, assessing the organization, clarity of purpose, communication and analytical basis of the personal action plan.

Answer preview students will give a 5-minute presentation in their class on their personal action plan, explaining areas of leadership they would like to develop while they are at the university and why.

Students will give a 5-minute presentation in their class on their personal action plan explaining areas of leadership they would like to develop while they are at the university and why.


9 slides