Compare and contrast how globalization and diversity have impacted each organization. Be specific and provide examples to illustrate your explanation.

Compare and contrast how globalization and diversity have impacted each organization. Be specific and provide examples to illustrate your explanation.

Work Plan for Incorporating New Structures and Leadership Approaches

To prepare for this Performance Task:

Imagine this scenario: As a consultant engaged by an organization that has just acquired an international branch overseas, you have been asked to provide a workplan for incorporating new structures and leadership approaches building on what you know of leadership, diversity, and workplace culture. To prepare for your workplan, you will research and analyze two other organizations with global outreach. Using what you learn from your investigation, you will devise a workplan that outlines your recommendations for your client and a rationale for your recommendations. Prepare to draft your workplan by focusing on the following:

Select two well-known companies to research that have a global reach and opposing practices (examples GE/Google or IBM/Apple). Compare and contrast the two organizations in terms of their leadership practices, globalization and diversity initiatives, and their structural dynamics. Your findings will be incorporated into your workplan.

Review the Module 1 resources from this Competency and consider what might be best leadership practices for companies looking to expand globally. In other words, what new leadership approaches might you recommend as a consultant to the scenario organization?

Review the Module 2 resources from this Competency and think about how globalization and diversity might impact the scenario organization. What strategies might you recommend for addressing the impact of globalization and diversity on workplace culture?

Review the Module 3 resources from this Competency and consider to what extent organizational structure aids or challenges individual and organizational performance? What organizational structure recommendations would you make to the scenario organization?

Create and submit the following:

Create a minimum 8- to 10-page workplan in APA format and style that includes the following:

Title page (1 page)


Compare and contrast the two organizations you researched in terms of the following:

Compare and contrast the leadership theories demonstrated by the CEO (or another high-ranking leader) of each organization. Briefly describe the leadership characteristics and behaviors of each organization’s leaders. Assess whether his or her characteristics and behaviors have influenced/benefited the organization he/she leads. Be specific.

Compare and contrast how globalization and diversity have impacted each organization. Be specific and provide examples to illustrate your explanation.

Compare and contrast each organization’s structural dynamics. What impact have the structural dynamics had on the organization’s culture, leadership, and team make-up? Be specific and provide examples to illustrate your explanation.


Compose a workplan that outlines best practices for the company in the scenario. Your workplan should include the following:

A description of your recommendations for best leadership practices for companies looking to expand globally. Provide a rationale for your recommendations supported by scholarly, peer-reviewed literature.

An explanation of the strategies you recommend for addressing the impact of globalization and diversity on workplace culture. Provide a rationale for your recommendations supported by scholarly, peer-reviewed literature.

An assessment of the extent to which organizational structure aids or challenges individual and organizational performance. What organizational structure recommendations would you make to the scenario organization? Provide a rational for your recommendations supported by scholarly, peer-reviewed literature.

Answer preview Compare and contrast how globalization and diversity have impacted each organization. Be specific and provide examples to illustrate your explanation.

Compare and contrast how globalization and diversity have impacted each organization. Be specific and provide examples to illustrate your explanation.


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