Are you seeking to advance in your current field?

Are you seeking to advance in your current field?

Project management Project. 3

 conduct research into your present or desired industry.
Step 1: Engage in Analysis and Reflection:
Q.1) Are you seeking to advance in your current field?
Response: Yes ( Project Manager/Engineer)
Q.2) Are you changing fields?
Response: Possibly
Q.3) Where are you right now in your career?
Response: I’m in a different career path due to military orders…I worked in the nuclear industry
Now work as a construction project manager
Q.4) Where do you want to be?
Response: I would like to be high in leadership chain of command but with experience first.
Q.5) Will you be seeking a new position in your field or will you need to seek opportunities for getting experience in a new field?
Response: would like to return to the nuclear industry but if good opportunities present themselves as a project manager I will continue this path.
Q.6) What are your goals and objectives?
Response: To make more money and have a stability job that I absolutely love
Q.7) What particular positions do you want, and what is your time frame for obtaining them? For example, you might ask yourself “Why am I pursuing a graduate degree?”
Response: I would like to go back to my nuclear industry and start my career as a project manager for nuclear engineering or become someone with leadership authority
Questions that should be addressed on the research paper.
 What’s the market like in the industry or field in which you’d like to apply your degree?
 Is the demand for employees increasing, decreasing, or remaining steady?
 Does the geographic region play a role?
 Does specialization within the field matter?

Answer preview are you seeking to advance in your current field?

Are you seeking to advance in your current field


657 words