According to your results, what type of leader are you? Are the results accurate? Why or why not?

According to your results, what type of leader are you? Are the results accurate? Why or why not?

Use the following results description of the democratic leadership style to answer the questions below.

Results: Democratic Leadership

Democratic leaders, also known as participative leaders, accept input from one or more group members when making decisions and solving problems, but the leader retains the final say when choices are made. Group members tend to be encouraged and motivated by this style of leadership.

This style of leadership often leads to more effective and accurate decisions, since no leader can be an expert in all areas. Input from group members with specialized knowledge and expertise creates a more complete basis for decision-making.

Remember, good leaders utilize all three styles depending upon the situation. For example:

Use an authoritarian style if a group member lacks knowledge about a certain procedure. Use a democratic style with group members who understand the objectives and their role in the task. Use a delegative style if the group member knows more than you do about the

1. According to your results, what type of leader are you? Are the results accurate? Why or why not?

2. To what degree do you believe that you’re an “everyday leader”? In what areas (e.g., work, church) do you lead individuals and what skills do you feel help you in these roles? What are your strengths and weaknesses in the area of leadership?

Motivation: Describe your motivation for working day-in and day-out. Why do you do it? What incentives do you think would motivate you to work more or better? What punishments might change any negative work-related behaviors you have?

Answer preview According to your results, what type of leader are you? Are the results accurate? Why or why not?

According to your results, what type of leader are you? Are the results accurate? Why or why not?


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