Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of the development of American society since World War II

Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of the development of American society since World War II

Use the attached rubrics to write a final draft (8-10 page research paper) about the below topic:

Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of the development of American society since World WarII
 Critically analyze ideas from both primary and secondary sources
 Develop arguments based upon primary and secondary sources and articulate those ideas in the written and spokenword

As men were drafted overseas during World War II, women stepped into the roles that sustained the American way of life. Women assumed roles in the household, supported the war mission, remained active supporters to their loved ones and generally assumed the roles that their fathers, husbands, brothers and sons left behind.

Before the war, a woman’s place was in the home; Her rights unequal and her skills were restricted to those believed to be “feminine” and domestic. But as men were shipped off to war during the draft, women who were once volunteering to assist the war efforts were soon required to fill the roles that the men had left behind.

Prior to World War II, women were predominately in the home, bearing children and if they were working it was in a clerical position. World War II took such a large number of the nations male force that women were forced to cover down into positions such as mechanics, fabricators and even professional athletes. The roles of women in the military prior to World War II were very strictly limited nursing, field hospitals, telecommunications and clerical; World War II changed the way women were involved during war time and they were soon found in positions closer to intelligence and under cover operations.


Answer preview Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of the development of American society since World War II

Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of the development of American society since World War II


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