Do you think federal judges should exercise restraint or be activists judges

Do you think federal judges should exercise restraint or be activists judges

This EQ assignment is worth 25 points. 2.5 points (10% of the assignment) is based on grammar, spelling, and did you follow the page length requirement of 2-3 pages per EQ, 10 points (40% of the assignment) is based on incorporating concepts from Chapter 1 in the text (you may also cite outside sources though not required for this EQ assignment), 10 points (40% of the assignment) your Discussion assignments for this week, and 2.5 points (10% of the assignment) is based on your personal opinion on how well you explain your opinion for the EQ.

Chapter 16: The Judiciary

Do you think federal judges should exercise restraint or be activists judges? Explain.

Answer preview  Do you think federal judges should exercise restraint or be activists judges

Do you think federal judges should exercise restraint or be activists judges


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