If you were the judge, how would you achieve specific deterrence in each scenario?  How would you achieve general deterrence?

If you were the judge, how would you achieve specific deterrence in each scenario?  How would you achieve general deterrence?

read scenario carefully & answer the following questions:  (1) If you were the judge, how would you achieve specific deterrence in each scenario? (2) How would you achieve general deterrence? (3) Is your decision consistent with Beccaria’s arguments on the certainty, celerity (swiftness), & severity of punishment?

You are a police officer and you are buying a cup of coffee at the local “Stop and Rob” convenience store.  You see a juvenile male place a quart of milk inside his jacket. You approach the boy and tell him to open his jacket.  He complies.  He apologizes for his actions.  He explains that he could not afford to buy the milk but he needs it for his child.  He promises not to do it again and asks you to let him go.

Answer preview If you were the judge, how would you achieve specific deterrence in each scenario?  How would you achieve general deterrence?

If you were the judge, how would you achieve specific deterrence in each scenario?  How would you achieve general deterrence?


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